Where Are You in Your Healing Process?

Today’s Scripture Reading:  Job 26:1 through Job 29:25

I noticed something in today’s reading that has gotten me thinking…

In verses 1-25 of chapter 29, Job uses the word

  • Me- 13 times
  • My- 10 times
  • I   – 19 times

I know these verses are a discourse of Job’s defense, but I thought it was interesting that there were so many personal pronouns in this short section of scripture.  I certainly never want to compare myself to Job because my life looks like a walk in the park compared to his, but there was a time when I lost a lot in a short period of time.  During that season it was definitely “all about me.”  It was all I could do to survive so there was no energy, time, compassion, or finances to help anyone else.

I was so caught up in my pain that anyone who stopped by, including the U.P.S. man got an ear full!  Someone could say, “It’s sunny outside” and I could turn it into a conversation about my misery.

Now that I am many years past that difficult time, my observation is: when someone keeps rehashing their problems it’s a sign they’re still hurting.

I’m not sure if psychologists would agree, but what I’ve experienced in my own life is…

The best way to check your level of healing is by observing how much the past hurts are discussed.

Don’t feel bad,

talking about it is part of the healing process but there comes a time when we have to let it go. 

If you’ve been deeply hurt by another person make it your mission to get free of the bitterness as soon as you can.  For me, the bitterness, hurt, and anger came off like layers of onion skin.  It took a long time, but one day it was gone.

For you folks who don’t talk about your problems don’t get to feeling too confident here; if you’re thinking about it all the time, it’s just like talking about it.

There’s a positive side to Job’s willingness to “get his pain on the outside.”  Because Job talked through the pain and the healing you and I are learning from it today.  Just think about how many people Job has helped over the years.  What if he would have gone into a cave, disappeared and died of a broken heart?  Isn’t that what we want to do when we are hurting?  But just like Job, we can’t do that because God has a plan for the pain.

“The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.”   ~ Job 28:28

Blessings in Jesus!

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©2012, Dianne Guthmuller

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading:  Job 30:1 through 31:40

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2 Responses to Where Are You in Your Healing Process?

  1. I agree. I know once I had worked through my stuff, it no longer nagged at me or presented itself unexpectedly. Now the only time it comes up is if I bring it up in a moment where i know my story can provide encouragement or hope to someone else. It is for freedom Christ has set us free. We can stand on that promise and claim it. It doesn’t happen over night but it will happen! Thanks for the encouragement today!

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

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