I said, “Yes!”–Psalm 27:8

Today’s Scripture Reading: Psalms 27-32

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”  —Psalm 27: 8

A few months ago I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me…

Dianne, what if I had special things I wanted to talk to you about on early morning walks?  What if you are missing special times with me because you’re not making the effort to take a daily walk?

While I feel bad most days about not exercising, I had never thought that not taking a walk was sacrificing “God time.”

But now that I think about it, almost every time I go for a walk I feel closer to God; I feel like He speaks to me.

What if the God of the universe was saying to me “Come and walk with me.  Come and talk with me?”

Just so you know, I ignored God.

Yep, just went on about my life.  You see, I write my blog posts in the morning, so early morning walks are difficult. I just couldn’t fit it in.

For some reason this morning I postponed writing my devotion and went on a walk.  No sooner than I had gotten out of the subdivision, I felt this question bubble up in my mind:

Will you write your blog post at a different time of day and come on a walk with Me each morning?

I said, YES!

I encourage you to ask God where, when, and how He wants to communicate with YOU.  He will answer you…and then SAY YES!

Blessings in Jesus!


©2012, Dianne Guthmuller

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Psalms 35-38

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2 Responses to I said, “Yes!”–Psalm 27:8

  1. Beautiful. Glad He spoke so you’re able to share with the rest of us!! And…is it awful if I’m secretly hoping He will not ask me to get up & exercise, too? 😉

  2. KC says:

    What a revelation! It’s so humbling that as His children that we have found such favor with Him that He delights in talking with us & spending quality time with us. Oh, how precious that time is. Thank you for sharing that. It has reminded me today of what’s important.

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